Terms of Use


Move In is a subsidiary of Secrha, LLC.

Secrha, LLC is a holding company which engages in marketing and advertising solutions for multiple sectors, notably in the United States Realtor sector and Restaurant food and drink market place.


A.1. By downloading and using the Move In App, you agree to the Terms of Use herein.

A.2. The Terms of Use act as a binding contract between you and Secrha, LLC.

A.3. The Terms of Use may be modified without notice - you are responsible for re-reviewing either on the App or at:


A.4. If you no longer wish to be bound by the Terms of Use, remove the App and cease use of all services provided related to the Move In App.


B.1. Content of the Move In App is owned by Secrha, LLC and/or third parties with all rights reserved unless otherwise noted.

B.2. By downloading the Move In App you agree to use the App for personal and non-commercial use only.

B.3. By downloading the Move In App you agree that you will not and you are forbidden to (a) download and modify any content, (b) incorrectly showcase any content, (c) transfer or sell any information, software, data or services, (d) damage or interrupt the Move In App, its network connections and software.

B.4. Secrha, LLC shall use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Move In App available, exception will include lack of internet connection, planned downtime which includes but not limited to updating, development and any event beyond the control of Secrha, LLC. Including but not limited to acts of God, acts of Government, floods, fires, earthquakes, civil unrest, acts of terror, strikes and/or other labor problems.

B.5. Secrha, LLC hold the rights to discontinue the Move In App without liability to you.


C.1. Secrha, LLC does not claim copyright to any content input into the App by third parties, and shall not be held liable for the accuracy or reliably of such content.

C.2. Any third party editor and/or uploader is responsible for their own content and rights, and all copyright for any content which they publish or share within the App. Including but not limited to photos, descriptions, external web-links to other services. All content is the sole responsibility of the third party originator of such content.

C.3. Third party content may include financial, mortgage or valuing tools. Secrha, LLC does not endorse or recommend any financial services, nor any products offered by lenders, broker or financial professionals. Any information given by these third party external sources should be taken as with all third party content related in these Terms of Use (SECTION C).

C.4. Use of Google Maps is subject to the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms at https://www.google.com/intl/en-US_US/help/terms_maps/

C.5. Use of What3Words is subject to what3words Terms at https://what3words.com/terms

C.6. You agree to use third party content at your own risk and should take measures to assure content reliability and creditability. 

C.7. You agree to hold Secrha, LLC harmless to any claim or matter (actual or consequential) arising from use of third party content or services. 


D.1. You agree that any content input into the App by you - including but not limited to personal data and photos - is accurate and complete.

D.2. You must not falsely represent another person or entity.

D.3. You are entirely responsible for all content you provide and make available via the Move In App or any other service. 

D.4. You must hold or own the rights to your content before sharing on the Move In App.

D.5. You give the rights to Secrha, LLC and its affiliates to use your content, please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information https://www.moveinlistingservice.com/privacy-policy

D.6. By strict surveillance you are forbidden to upload or share content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, vulgar, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. Failure to comply with this will result in the information being removed, deleted and stored; and where relevant passed to the overseeing authorities. Any breech of this nature will result in your cease of use of the App. 

D.7. It is expressively important for you to be vigilant when uploading content, to assure all content is free of bugs, viruses or other that could be harmful to software or functionality of App. 


E.1. You agree to indemnify Secrha, LLC and hold Secrha, LLC, corporate affiliates, directors, officers and employees harmless to any claim or matter (actual or consequential).

E.2. You take responsibility for the following (a) damages / claims / injury / costs / expenses, including and without limitation, attorney fees and court costs; (b) resulting from but not limited to: violation of content rights, failure to comply with all laws, taxes, and tariffs, violation of the TCPA and/or related statutes (federal and state).

E.3. Secrha, LLC shall have no liability including but not limited to: (a) loss of profits or revenues; (b) loss of sales or business; (c) loss of agreements or contracts; (d) loss of anticipated savings; (e) loss of or damage to goodwill; (f) loss of use or corruption of software, data or information; (g) any indirect, consequential, special incidental, cover or punitive damages however caused, whether in contract, tort or under any other theory of liability; whether or not Secrha, LLC has been advised of the possibility of such damages -

in connection to or arising from use of the Move In App, content within the Move In App, software performance, failure of third parties to provide services.


F.1. Secrha, LLC is the sole owner and developer of this technology and service and on this premise you are not allowed to copy, replicate, devise or restructure in a format of similar, same or like; that would undermine, reduce or directly compete with the Move In App in this market space. 

F.2. Any attempts of this nature are deemed theft or copyright infringement and will be acted on in the State or Country of which the host is based.

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